Monday, July 14, 2008

The Sony Ericsson J110i - The King Of Ultra Cheap Mobile Phones!

Let's take a look at the sexiest, coolest ultra-cheap mobile phone I've ever seen: the funky Sony Ericsson J110i.

Sony Ericsson J110i - no frills, no fuss!

This is an important question that needs to be asked straight away: what makes the Sony Ericsson J110i so special? Is it gloriously overpowered? Does it have an awesome camera? Will it hold more music than any other one of the mobile phones that will play music? Will it grind every other phone in existence down into powder with the sheer power of its features?

Well, no.

It's special because it does absolutely none of that stuff! The Sony Ericsson J110i's feature-set contains precisely one item. One. A colour screen. That's it. By now, you're probably wondering if I am, in fact, tripping, but I shall explain myself. And in doing so, I'm going to convince you just how good the Sony Ericsson J110i actually is. You may very well find you're surprised by how nice it is! The key thing to consider, here, is not what the phone is, but who it's aimed at. Y'see, there are people in the world who don't want a flashy, high-spec phone. To them, a phone is a phone, and just a phone, and a phone is all it is (and if you're one of these people, reading this, I salute you, because I love people who know exactly what they want!)

Ultra cheap mobile phones

Mobile phones, in their eyes, don't need to be flashy, don't need cameras, don't need music, and don't need anything except the basics. To them, a mobile phone is a tool, and let's be honest, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that viewpoint. If you just want a cheap mobile phone, that just lets you call people and send texts, then you should have one. But... and this is crucial... 'cheap' does NOT mean the same as 'rubbish'. You should get a nice phone, too, regardless of price.

And that's where the stunning J110i, from Sony Ericsson, comes in. Yes, it's cheap. No, scratch that, it goes beyond that, I've never seen any mobile phones cheaper than this. But... and this is crucial, again... just because it's cheap, doesn't mean it's rubbish. It looks gorgeous, it's a pleasure to hold, the keypad is wonderfully nice to use, and the backlighting is a scrumptuous blue colour. Not only that, but the call quality is exceptionally good, especially for a phone that costs less than a pint of beer!! And a pint of beer makes you get drunk, and fall over. The Sony Ericsson J110i just makes you drunk with happiness.

And hey, because it's so cheap, you can still afford a pint of beer, as well!

Sony Ericsson

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